Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Activity 1 - Dick Smith

1.    What symbols has the company used to represent the brand? Does the brand use any Australian symbols or Icons in their design (if so; identify the symbols and their meanings)

 The Dick Smith logo uses no familiar Australian symbols, however the first letter "D" in my opinion is designed in this way to represent a cell phone. They have chosen a contemporary font which looks somewhat futuristic to show customers that they are up to date with technology in their store.

2.    What colours have the company used to represent the brand? 

 Black, white and yellow are the three base colours.

3. What sort of message do you think the colours are trying to convey? 
 Future(yellow), contemporary(white), technology, new(yellow), bold(black) are just some of the messages i believe it trys to convey.

4. What style of typography has the company used(serif/sanserif/italic/bold)and what does
this say about the brand?

They have chosen a bold sanserif font. The sanserif makes the type more modern and the bold makes it clearer to read and have more impact. The letters are also rounded at the edges, and the "T" restyled to have only one arm. This gives the brand a more contemporary technology feel and people may be more inclined to shop there for electronics because of this.

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